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Ice Wallpaper 1.0
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Ice is water frozen into a solid state. Depending on the presenceof impurities such as particles of soil or bubbles of air it canappear transparent or a more or less opaque bluish-white color. Inthe Solar System, ice occurs naturally from as close to the Sun asMercury to as far as the Oort cloud. Beyond the Solar System, itoccurs as interstellar ice. It is abundant on Earth's surfaceparticularly in the polar regions and above the snow line and as acommon form of precipitation and deposition plays a key role inEarth's water cycle and climate. It falls as snowflakes and hail oroccurs as frost icicles or ice spikes. Ice molecules exhibitdifferent phases (packing geometries) that depend on temperatureand pressure. Virtually all the ice on Earth's surface and in itsatmosphere is of a hexagonal crystalline structure denoted as iceIh. The most common phase transition to ice Ih occurs when liquidwater is cooled below 0 C (273.15K, 32 F) at standard atmosphericpressure. It may also be deposited directly by water vapor ashappens in the formation of frost. The transition from ice to wateris melting and from ice directly to water vapor is sublimation. icewallpapers for your phone or tablet! - This feature can tap on thescreen and make the image immediately. - It has support forlandscape mode and portrait mode switching screen. - Beautifulbackground free and fun are waiting for you! Instructions toinstall: Home - Menu -> Wallpapers. Movements and flashing lightkeeps changing with time. - You can choose from several differentstyles. - HD Graphics and Open GL - Battery usage optimization. -Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories. - ice picturesfully supports landscape and look amazing on tablet devices. Pleasecontact us if you have any problems with our application. * Androidis a trademark of Google.
Island Wallpaper 1.0
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An island is any piece of sub-continental landthat is surrounded by water. Very small islands such as emergentland features on atolls can be called islets skerries cays or keys.An island in a river or a lake island may be called an eyot or aitor a holm. A grouping of geographically or geologically relatedislands is called an archipelago e.g. the Philippines.An island may be described as such despite the presence of anartificial land bridge, for example Singapore and its causeway orthe various Dutch delta islands such as IJsselmonde. Some placesmay even retain island in their names for historical reasons afterbeing connected to a larger landmass by a wide land bridge such asConey Island or Coronado Island. Conversely when a piece of land isseparated from the mainland by a man-made canal, for example thePeloponnese by the Corinth Canal, it is generally not considered anisland.There are two main types of islands: continental islands andoceanic islands. There are also artificial islands.island wallpapers for your phone or tablet!- This feature can tap on the screen and make the imageimmediately.- It has support for landscape mode and portrait mode switchingscreen.- Beautiful background free and fun are waiting for you!Instructions to install:Home - Menu -> Wallpapers.Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles.- HD Graphics and Open GL- Battery usage optimization.- Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories.- island pictures fully supports landscape and look amazing ontablet devices.Please contact us if you have any problems with ourapplication.* Android is a trademark of Google.
Holiday Wallpaper 1.0
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A holiday is a day set aside by custom or bylaw on which normal activities, especially business or work aresuspended or reduced. Generally, holidays are intended to allowindividuals to celebrate or commemorate an event or tradition ofcultural or religious significance. Holidays may be designated bygovernments, religious institutions or other groups ororganizations. The degree to which normal activities are reduced bya holiday may depend on local laws customs the type of job beingheld or even personal choices.The concept of holidays has most often originated in connectionwith religious observances. The intention of a holiday wastypically to allow individuals to tend to religious dutiesassociated with important dates on the calendar. In most modernsocieties. however, holidays serve as much of a recreationalfunction as any other weekend days or activities.In many societies there are important distinctions betweenholidays designated by governments and holidays designated byreligious institutions. For example, in many predominantlyChristian nations government-designed holidays may center aroundChristian holidays though non-Christians may instead observereligious holidays associated with their faith. In some cases aholiday may only be nominally observed. For example many Jews inthe Americas and Europe treat the relatively minor Jewish holidayof Hanukkah as a working holiday changing very little of theirdaily routines for this day.holiday wallpapers for your phone or tablet!- This feature can tap on the screen and make the imageimmediately.- It has support for landscape mode and portrait mode switchingscreen.- Beautiful background free and fun are waiting for you!Instructions to install:Home - Menu -> Wallpapers.Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles.- HD Graphics and Open GL- Battery usage optimization.- Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories.- holiday pictures fully supports landscape and look amazing ontablet devices.Please contact us if you have any problems with ourapplication.* Android is a trademark of Google.
Sailing Wallpaper 1.0
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Sailing is the propulsion of a vehicle and thecontrol of its movement with large (usually fabric) foils calledsails. By changing the rigging rudder and sometimes the keel orcentreboard a sailor manages the force of the wind on the sails inorder to move the vessel relative to its surrounding medium(typically water but also land and ice) and change its directionand speed. Mastery of the skill requires experience in varying windand sea conditions as well as knowledge concerning sailboatsthemselves and an understanding of one's surroundings.While there are still some places in the world wheresail-powered passenger fishing and trading vessels are used thesecraft have become rarer as internal combustion engines have becomeeconomically viable in even the poorest and most remote areas. Inmost countries sailing is enjoyed as a recreational activity or asa sport. Recreational sailing or yachting can be divided intoracing and cruising. Cruising can include extended offshore andocean-crossing trips coastal sailing within sight of land anddaysailing.sailing wallpapers for your phone or tablet!- This feature can tap on the screen and make the imageimmediately.- It has support for landscape mode and portrait mode switchingscreen.- Beautiful background free and fun are waiting for you!Instructions to install:Home - Menu -> Wallpapers.Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles.- HD Graphics and Open GL- Battery usage optimization.- Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories.- sailing pictures fully supports landscape and look amazing ontablet devices.Please contact us if you have any problems with ourapplication.* Android is a trademark of Google.
Road Wallpaper 1.0
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A road is a thoroughfare, route, or way on land between two placesthat has been paved or otherwise improved to allow travel by someconveyance, including a horse, cart, or motor vehicle. Roadsconsist of one or two roadways (British English: carriageways),each with one or more lanes and any associated sidewalks (BritishEnglish: pavement) and road verges. Roads that are available foruse by the public may be referred to as public roads or ashighways. The subject of road design is considered part of highwayengineering. Structural road design is the science of designing aroad for its environment in order to extend its longevity andreduce maintenance. The Shell pavement design method is used inmany countries for the design of new asphalt roads. road wallpapersfor your phone or tablet! - This feature can tap on the screen andmake the image immediately. - It has support for landscape mode andportrait mode switching screen. - Beautiful background free and funare waiting for you! Instructions to install: Home - Menu ->Wallpapers. Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles. - HD Graphics andOpen GL - Battery usage optimization. - Compatible with 99% ofmobile phone accessories. - road pictures fully supports landscapeand look amazing on tablet devices. Please contact us if you haveany problems with our application. * Android is a trademark ofGoogle.
Aircraft Wallpaper 1.0
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An aircraft is a machine that is able to flyby gaining support from the air or in general the atmosphere of aplanet. It counters the force of gravity by using either staticlift or by using the dynamic lift of an airfoil or in a few casesthe downward thrust from jet engines.The human activity that surrounds aircraft is called aviation.Crewed aircraft are flown by an onboard pilot but unmanned aerialvehicles may be remotely controlled or self-controlled by onboardcomputers. Aircraft may be classified by different criteria such aslift type propulsion usage and others.Aerostats use buoyancy to float in the air in much the same waythat ships float on the water. They are characterized by one ormore large gasbags or canopies, filled with a relativelylow-density gas such as helium hydrogen or hot air which is lessdense than the surrounding air. When the weight of this is added tothe weight of the aircraft structure it adds up to the same weightas the air that the craft displaces.Small hot-air balloons called sky lanterns date back to the 3rdcentury BC and were only the second type of aircraft to fly, thefirst being kites.aircraft wallpapers for your phone or tablet!- This feature can tap on the screen and make the imageimmediately.- It has support for landscape mode and portrait mode switchingscreen.- Beautiful background free and fun are waiting for you!Instructions to install:Home - Menu -> Wallpapers.Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles.- HD Graphics and Open GL- Battery usage optimization.- Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories.- aircraft pictures fully supports landscape and look amazing ontablet devices.Please contact us if you have any problems with ourapplication.* Android is a trademark of Google.
Castle Wallpaper 1.0
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A castle is a type of fortified structurebuilt in Europe and the Middle East during the Middle Ages bynobility. Scholars debate the scope of the word castle, but usuallyconsider it to be the private fortified residence of a lord ornoble. This is distinct from a palace, which is not fortified; froma fortress, which was not always a residence for nobility; and froma fortified settlement, which was a public defence – though thereare many similarities among these types of construction. Usage ofthe term has varied over time and has been applied to structures asdiverse as hill forts and country houses. Over the approximately900 years that castles were built, they took on a great many formswith many different features, although some, such as curtain wallsand arrowslits, were commonplace.Many castles were originally built from earth and timber, buthad their defences replaced later by stone. Early castles oftenexploited natural defences, and lacked features such as towers andarrowslits and relied on a central keep. In the late 12th and early13th centuries, a scientific approach to castle defence emerged.This led to the proliferation of towers, with an emphasis onflanking fire. Many new castles were polygonal or relied onconcentric defence – several stages of defence within each otherthat could all function at the same time to maximise the castle'sfirepower. These changes in defence have been attributed to amixture of castle technology from the Crusades, such as concentricfortification, and inspiration from earlier defences such as Romanforts. Not all the elements of castle architecture were military innature, and devices such as moats evolved from their originalpurpose of defence into symbols of power. Some grand castles hadlong winding approaches intended to impress and dominate theirlandscape.castle wallpapers for your phone or tablet!- This feature can tap on the screen and make the imageimmediately.- It has support for landscape mode and portrait mode switchingscreen.- Beautiful background free and fun are waiting for you!Instructions to install:Home - Menu -> Wallpapers.Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles.- HD Graphics and Open GL- Battery usage optimization.- Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories.- castle pictures fully supports landscape and look amazing ontablet devices.Please contact us if you have any problems with ourapplication.* Android is a trademark of Google.
Owl Wallpaper 1.0
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Owls, birds of the order Strigiformes, include about 200 species ofmostly solitary and nocturnal birds of prey typified by an uprightstance, a large, broad head, binocular vision and binaural hearing,and feathers adapted for silent flight. Exceptions include thediurnal northern hawk-owl and the gregarious burrowing owl. Owlshunt mostly small mammals, insects, and other birds, although a fewspecies specialize in hunting fish. They are found in all regionsof the Earth except Antarctica and some remote islands. owlwallpapers for your phone or tablet! - This feature can tap on thescreen and make the image immediately. - It has support forlandscape mode and portrait mode switching screen. - Beautifulbackground free and fun are waiting for you! Instructions toinstall: Home - Menu -> Wallpapers. Movements and flashing lightkeeps changing with time. - You can choose from several differentstyles. - HD Graphics and Open GL - Battery usage optimization. -Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories. - owl picturesfully supports landscape and look amazing on tablet devices. Pleasecontact us if you have any problems with our application. * Androidis a trademark of Google.
Seal Wallpaper 1.0
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Pinnipeds colloquially known as seals are awidely distributed and diverse clade of fin-footed, semiaquaticmarine mammals. They comprise the extant families Odobenidae (whoseonly living member is the walrus) Otariidae and Phocidae (theearless, or true seals). There are 33 extant species of pinnipeds,and more than 50 extinct species have been described from fossils.While seals were historically thought to have descended from twoancestral lines, molecular evidence supports them as a monophyleticlineage (descended from one ancestral line). Pinnipeds belong tothe order Carnivora and their closest living relatives are bearsand musteloids (weasels, raccoons and skunks).Seals range in size from the 1 m (3 ft 3 in) and 45 kg (99 lb)Baikal seal to the 5 m (16 ft) and 3,200 kg (7,100 lb) southernelephant seal which is also the largest carnivoran.[b] Severalspecies exhibit sexual dimorphism. They have streamlined bodies andfour limbs that are modified into flippers. Though not as fast inthe water as dolphins seals are more flexible and agile. Otariidsuse their front limbs primarily to propel themselves through thewater while phocids and walruses use their hind limbs. Otariids andwalruses have hind limbs that can be pulled under the body and usedas legs on land. By comparison, terrestrial locomotion by phocidsis more cumbersome. Otariids have visible external ears, whilephocids and walruses lack these. Pinnipeds have well-developedsenses their eyesight and hearing are adapted for both air andwater and they have an advanced tactile system in their whiskers orvibrissae. Some species are well adapted for diving to greatdepths. They have a layer of fat or blubber under the skin to keepwarm in the cold water and other than the walrus all species arecovered in fur.seal wallpapers for your phone or tablet!- This feature can tap on the screen and make the imageimmediately.- It has support for landscape mode and portrait mode switchingscreen.- Beautiful background free and fun are waiting for you!Instructions to install:Home - Menu -> Wallpapers.Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles.- HD Graphics and Open GL- Battery usage optimization.- Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories.- Aeroplane pictures fully supports landscape and look amazing ontablet devices.Please contact us if you have any problems with ourapplication.* Android is a trademark of Google.
Husky Wallpaper 1.0
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Husky is a general name for a type of dog used to pull sleds innorthern regions differentiated from other sled-dog types by theirfast pulling style. They are an ever-changing cross-breed of thefastest dogs. The Alaskan Malamute by contrast is the largest andmost powerful sled dog and was used for heavier loads. Huskies areused in sled dog racing. In recent years companies have beenmarketing tourist treks with dog sledges for adventure travelers insnow regions as well. Huskies are also today kept as pets andgroups work to find new pet homes for retired racing and adventuretrekking dogs. Husky type dogs are energetic and athletic. Theyusually have a thick double coat that can be gray, black, copperred or white. Huskies are known for pale blue eyes although theymay also have brown eyes green eyes blue eyes or may even haveyellow eyes. Huskies commonly have different colored eyes a traitcalled heterochromia of the eye. Huskies are more commonly affectedwith some degree of uveitis than other types of dogs. huskywallpapers for your phone or tablet! - This feature can tap on thescreen and make the image immediately. - It has support forlandscape mode and portrait mode switching screen. - Beautifulbackground free and fun are waiting for you! Instructions toinstall: Home - Menu -> Wallpapers. Movements and flashing lightkeeps changing with time. - You can choose from several differentstyles. - HD Graphics and Open GL - Battery usage optimization. -Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories. - husky picturesfully supports landscape and look amazing on tablet devices. Pleasecontact us if you have any problems with our application. * Androidis a trademark of Google.
Lemon Wallpaper 1.0
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The lemon (Citrus x limon) is a small evergreen tree native toAsia. The tree's ellipsoidal yellow fruit is used for culinary andnon-culinary purposes throughout the world, primarily for its juicethough the pulp and rind (zest) are also used in cooking andbaking. The juice of the lemon is about 5% to 6% citric acid whichgives lemons a sour taste. The distinctive sour taste of lemonjuice makes it a key ingredient in drinks and foods such aslemonade and lemon meringue pie. The origin of the lemon isunknown, though lemons are thought to have first grown in Assam (aregion in northeast India) northern Burma and China. A study of thegenetic origin of the lemon reported it to be hybrid between bitterorange (sour orange) and citron. lemon wallpapers for your phone ortablet! - This feature can tap on the screen and make the imageimmediately. - It has support for landscape mode and portrait modeswitching screen. - Beautiful background free and fun are waitingfor you! Instructions to install: Home - Menu -> Wallpapers.Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time. - You canchoose from several different styles. - HD Graphics and Open GL -Battery usage optimization. - Compatible with 99% of mobile phoneaccessories. - lemon pictures fully supports landscape and lookamazing on tablet devices. Please contact us if you have anyproblems with our application. * Android is a trademark of Google.
Skiing Wallpaper 1.0
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Skiing is a recreational activity andcompetitive winter sport in which the participant uses skis toglide on snow. Many types of competitive skiing events arerecognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and theInternational Ski Federation (FIS).Asymmetrical skis were used at least in northern Finland andSweden up until the late 1800s. On one leg the skier wore a longstraight non-arching ski for sliding, and on the other a shorterski for kicking. The bottom of the short ski was either plain orcovered with animal skin to aid this use while the long skisupporting the weight of the skier was treated with animal fat insimilar manner to modern ski waxing.skiing wallpapers for your phone or tablet!- This feature can tap on the screen and make the imageimmediately.- It has support for landscape mode and portrait mode switchingscreen.- Beautiful background free and fun are waiting for you!Instructions to install:Home - Menu -> Wallpapers.Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles.- HD Graphics and Open GL- Battery usage optimization.- Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories.- skiing pictures fully supports landscape and look amazing ontablet devices.Please contact us if you have any problems with ourapplication.* Android is a trademark of Google.
Buffalo Wallpaper 1.0
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The African buffalo is a very robust species.Its shoulder height can range from 1 to 1.7 m and its head-and-bodylength can range from 1.7 to 3.4 m. Compared with other largebovids, it has a long but stocky body (the body length can exceedthe wild water buffalo, which is rather heavier and taller) andshort but thickset legs, resulting in a relatively short standingheight. The tail can range from 70 to 110 cm long. Savannah-typebuffaloes weigh 500 to 900 kg with males normally larger thanfemales, reaching the upper weight range. In comparison,forest-type buffaloes, at 250 to 450 kg are only half that size.Its head is carried low; its top is located below the backline. Thefront hooves of the buffalo are wider than the rear, which isassociated with the need to support the weight of the front part ofthe body, which is heavier and more powerful than the back.Savannah-type buffaloes have black or dark brown coats with age.Old bulls have whitish circles around their eyes. Females tend tohave more-reddish coats. Forest-type buffaloes are reddish brown incolour with horns that curve back and slightly up. Calves of bothtypes have red coats.The horns of African buffalo are very peculiar. A characteristicfeature of them is the adult bull’s horns have fused bases, forminga continuous bone shield referred to as a “boss’, which can notalways be penetrated even by a rifle bullet. From the base, thehorns diverge, then bend down, and then smoothly curve upwards andoutwards. The distance between the ends of the horns of large bullsis more than a metre. The young buffalo horn boss forms fully onlyupon reaching the age of five to six years. In cows, the horns are,on average, 10–20% smaller, and the boss is less prominent. Forestbuffalo horns are much smaller and weaker than those of thesavannah buffaloes and are almost never fused. They rarely reach alength of even 40 centimetres.buffalo wallpapers for your phone or tablet!- This feature can tap on the screen and make the imageimmediately.- It has support for landscape mode and portrait mode switchingscreen.- Beautiful background free and fun are waiting for you!Instructions to install:Home - Menu -> Wallpapers.Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles.- HD Graphics and Open GL- Battery usage optimization.- Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories.- Aeroplane pictures fully supports landscape and look amazing ontablet devices.Please contact us if you have any problems with ourapplication.* Android is a trademark of Google.
Pug Wallpaper 1.0
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The Pug is a breed of dog with a wrinkly,short-muzzled face and curled tail. The breed has a fine, glossycoat that comes in a variety of colours most often fawn or blackand a compact square body with well-developed muscles.Pugs were brought from China to Europe in the sixteenth centuryand were popularized in Western Europe by the House of Orange ofthe Netherlands and the House of Stuart. In the United Kingdom inthe nineteenth century Queen Victoria developed a passion for Pugswhich she passed on to other members of the Royal family.Pugs remain popular into the twenty-first century with somefamous celebrity owners. A Pug was judged Best in Show at the WorldDog Show in 2004.pug wallpapers for your phone or tablet!- This feature can tap on the screen and make the imageimmediately.- It has support for landscape mode and portrait mode switchingscreen.- Beautiful background free and fun are waiting for you!Instructions to install:Home - Menu -> Wallpapers.Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles.- HD Graphics and Open GL- Battery usage optimization.- Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories.- pug pictures fully supports landscape and look amazing on tabletdevices.Please contact us if you have any problems with ourapplication.* Android is a trademark of Google.
Seagull Wallpaper 1.0
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Gulls are seabirds of the family Laridae inthe sub-order Lari. They are most closely related to the terns(family Sternidae) and only distantly related to auks, skimmers,and more distantly to the waders. Until the twenty-first centurymost gulls were placed in the genus Larus, but this arrangement isnow known to be polyphyletic, leading to the resurrection ofseveral genera. An older name for gulls is mew, cognate with GermanM?we; this term can still be found in certain regional dialects.Gulls are typically medium to large birds usually grey or whiteoften with black markings on the head or wings. They typically haveharsh wailing or squawking calls stout, longish bills and webbedfeet. Most gulls, particularly Larus species are ground-nestingcarnivores which will take live food or scavenge opportunistically.Live food often includes crabs and small fish. Gulls have unhingingjaws which allow them to consume large prey. Apart from thekittiwakes gulls are typically coastal or inland species rarelyventuring far out to sea. The large species take up to four yearsto attain full adult plumage but two years is typical for smallgulls. Large white-headed gulls are typically long-lived birds witha maximum age of 49 years recorded for the herring gull.Gulls nest in large, densely packed noisy colonies. They lay twoto three speckled eggs in nests composed of vegetation. The youngare precocial being born with dark mottled down and mobile uponhatching.Gulls the larger species in particular are resourceful,inquisitive and intelligent birds demonstrating complex methods ofcommunication and a highly developed social structure. For example,many gull colonies display mobbing behaviour, attacking andharassing would-be predators and other intruders. Certain specieshave exhibited tool use behaviour, using pieces of bread as baitwith which to catch goldfish, for example. Many species of gullhave learned to coexist successfully with humans and have thrivedin human habitats. Others rely on kleptoparasitism to get theirfood. Gulls have been observed preying on live whales, landing onthe whale as it surfaces to peck out pieces of flesh.seagull wallpapers for your phone or tablet!- This feature can tap on the screen and make the imageimmediately.- It has support for landscape mode and portrait mode switchingscreen.- Beautiful background free and fun are waiting for you!Instructions to install:Home - Menu -> Wallpapers.Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles.- HD Graphics and Open GL- Battery usage optimization.- Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories.- Aeroplane pictures fully supports landscape and look amazing ontablet devices.Please contact us if you have any problems with ourapplication.* Android is a trademark of Google.
Gorilla Wallpaper 1.0
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Gorillas constitute the eponymous genusGorilla, the largest extant genus of primates by physical size.They are ground-dwelling predominantly herbivorous apes thatinhabit the forests of central Africa. The genus is divided intotwo species: the eastern gorillas and the western gorillas, andeither four or five subspecies. The DNA of gorillas is highlysimilar to that of a human, from 95-99% depending on what iscounted, and they are the next closest living relatives to humansafter the chimpanzees (including bonobos).Gorillas natural habitats cover tropical or subtropical forestsin Africa. Although their range covers a small percentage of Africagorillas cover a wide range of elevations. The mountain gorillainhabits the Albertine Rift montane cloud forests of the VirungaVolcanoes, ranging in altitude from 2,200-4,300 metres(7,200-14,100 ft). Lowland gorillas live in dense forests andlowland swamps and marshes as low as sea level with western lowlandgorillas living in Central West African countries and easternlowland gorillas living in the Democratic Republic of the Congonear its border with Rwanda.gorilla wallpapers for your phone or tablet!- This feature can tap on the screen and make the imageimmediately.- It has support for landscape mode and portrait mode switchingscreen.- Beautiful background free and fun are waiting for you!Instructions to install:Home - Menu -> Wallpapers.Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles.- HD Graphics and Open GL- Battery usage optimization.- Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories.- Aeroplane pictures fully supports landscape and look amazing ontablet devices.Please contact us if you have any problems with ourapplication.* Android is a trademark of Google.
Room Wallpaper 1.0
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A room is any distinguishable space within astructure. Usually, a room is separated from other spaces orpassageways by interior walls; moreover, it is separated fromoutdoor areas by an exterior wall sometimes with a door.Historically the use of rooms dates at least to early Minoancultures about 2200 BC where excavations on Santorini Greece atAkrotiri reveal clearly defined rooms within certain structures.In the United Kingdom, many houses are built to contain abox-room (box room or boxroom) that is easily identifiable beingsmaller than the others. The small size of these rooms limits theiruse, and they tend to be used as a small single bedroom smallchild's bedroom or as a storage room. Other box rooms may house alive-in domestic worker.room wallpapers for your phone or tablet!- This feature can tap on the screen and make the imageimmediately.- It has support for landscape mode and portrait mode switchingscreen.- Beautiful background free and fun are waiting for you!Instructions to install:Home - Menu -> Wallpapers.Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles.- HD Graphics and Open GL- Battery usage optimization.- Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories.- room pictures fully supports landscape and look amazing on tabletdevices.Please contact us if you have any problems with ourapplication.* Android is a trademark of Google.
Clock Wallpaperimage 1.0
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A clock is an instrument to indicate keep andco-ordinate time. The word clock is derived ultimately from theCeltic words clagan and clocca meaning bell. A silent instrumentmissing such a mechanism has traditionally been known as atimepiece. In general usage today a clock refers to any device formeasuring and displaying the time. Watches and other timepiecesthat can be carried on one's person are often distinguished fromclocks.The clock is one of the oldest human inventions meeting the needto consistently measure intervals of time shorter than the naturalunits: the day the lunar month and the year. Devices operating onseveral physical processes have been used over the millennia. Asundial shows the time by displaying the position of a shadow on aflat surface. There are a range of duration timers a well-knownexample being the hourglass. Water clocks along with the sundials,are possibly the oldest time-measuring instruments. A major advanceoccurred in Europe around 1300 with the invention of the escapementwhich allowed construction of the first mechanical clocks whichused oscillating timekeepers like balance wheels. Spring-drivenclocks appeared during the 15th century. During the 15th and 16thcenturies clockmaking flourished. The next development in accuracyoccurred after 1656 with the invention of the pendulum clock. Amajor stimulus to improving the accuracy and reliability of clockswas the importance of precise time-keeping for navigation. Theelectric clock was patented in 1840. The development of electronicsin the 20th century led to clocks with no clockwork parts atall.clock wallpapers for your phone or tablet!- This feature can tap on the screen and make the imageimmediately.- It has support for landscape mode and portrait mode switchingscreen.- Beautiful background free and fun are waiting for you!Instructions to install:Home - Menu -> Wallpapers.Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles.- HD Graphics and Open GL- Battery usage optimization.- Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories.- clock pictures fully supports landscape and look amazing ontablet devices.Please contact us if you have any problems with ourapplication.* Android is a trademark of Google.
Spring Wallpaper 1.0
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Free spring pictures and You can save to wallpaper.
Grasshopper Wallpaper 1.0
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The grasshopper is an insect of the suborderCaelifera in the order Orthoptera sometimes referred to as theshort-horned grasshopper to distinguish it from katydids or bushcrickets. Grasshopper species which change color and behavior athigh population densities are called locusts.Grasshoppers have antennae that are generally shorter than theirbody and short ovipositors. They also have pinchers or mandiblesthat cut and tear off food. Those species that make easily heardnoises usually do so by rubbing the hind femurs against theforewings or abdomen (stridulation) or by snapping the wings inflight. Tympana, if present are on the sides of the first abdominalsegment. The hind femora are typically long and strong fitted forleaping. Generally they are winged, but hind wings are membranouswhile front wings (tegmina) are coriaceous and not fit for flight.Females are normally larger than males, with short ovipositors.Males have a single unpaired plate at the end of the abdomen.Females have two pairs of valves (triangles) at the end of theabdomen used to dig in sand during egg laying.They are easily confused with the other sub-order of OrthopteraEnsifera (crickets) but are different in many aspects such as thenumber of segments in their antennae and structure of theovipositor as well as the location of the tympana and modes ofsound production. Ensiferans have antennae with at least 20-24segments and caeliferans have fewer. In evolutionary terms, thesplit between the Caelifera and the Ensifera is no more recent thanthe Permo-Triassic boundary.grasshopper wallpapers for your phone or tablet!- This feature can tap on the screen and make the imageimmediately.- It has support for landscape mode and portrait mode switchingscreen.- Beautiful background free and fun are waiting for you!Instructions to install:Home - Menu -> Wallpapers.Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles.- HD Graphics and Open GL- Battery usage optimization.- Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories.- Aeroplane pictures fully supports landscape and look amazing ontablet devices.Please contact us if you have any problems with ourapplication.* Android is a trademark of Google.
Blueberry Wallpaper 1.0
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Blueberries are perennial flowering plantswith indigo-colored berries from the section Cyanococcus within thegenus Vaccinium (a genus that also includes cranberries andbilberries). Species in the section Cyanococcus are the most commonfruits sold as blueberries and are native to North America(commercially cultivated highbush blueberries were not introducedinto Europe until the 1930s).Blueberries are usually erect prostrate shrubs that can vary insize from 10 centimeters (3.9 in) to 4 meters (13 ft) in height. Inthe commercial production of blueberries the smaller species areknown as low-bush blueberries while the larger species are known ashigh-bush blueberries.The leaves can be either deciduous or evergreen, ovate tolanceolate and 1–8 cm (0.39–3.15 in) long and 0.5–3.5 cm (0.20–1.38in) broad. The flowers are bell-shaped white pale pink or redsometimes tinged greenish. The fruit is a berry 5–16 millimeters(0.20–0.63 in) in diameter with a flared crown at the end; they arepale greenish at first then reddish-purple and finally dark purplewhen ripe. They are covered in a protective coating of powderyepicuticular wax colloquially known as the bloom. They have a sweettaste when mature with variable acidity. Blueberry bushes typicallybear fruit in the middle of the growing season: fruiting times areaffected by local conditions such as altitude and latitude so thepeak of the crop can vary from May to August depending upon theseconditions.blueberry wallpapers for your phone or tablet!- This feature can tap on the screen and make the imageimmediately.- It has support for landscape mode and portrait mode switchingscreen.- Beautiful background free and fun are waiting for you!Instructions to install:Home - Menu -> Wallpapers.Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles.- HD Graphics and Open GL- Battery usage optimization.- Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories.- blueberry pictures fully supports landscape and look amazing ontablet devices.Please contact us if you have any problems with ourapplication.* Android is a trademark of Google.
Toad Wallpaper 1.0
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A toad is any of a number of species ofamphibians in the order Anura (frogs) that are characterized bydry, leathery skin short legs and snout-like parotoid glands.A distinction between frogs and toads is not made in scientifictaxonomy, but is common in popular culture (folk taxonomy) in whichtoads are associated with drier skin and more terrestrial habitatsthan animals commonly called frogs. In scientific taxonomy, toadsare found in the families Bufonidae, Bombinatoridae,Discoglossidae, Pelobatidae, Rhinophrynidae, Scaphiopodidae, andMicrohylidae. There is no definitive collective noun for toads, andlike most collective nouns, the listed proposals are fanciful; oneexample is a knot of toads; others include a lump, nest, or knob oftoads.The function of the bumps on the skins of toads has beenspeculated to be to help the animal to blend more effectively intoits environment by breaking up its visual outline. Usually thelargest of the bumps are those that cover the parotoid glands. Thebumps commonly are referred to as warts but this is fanciful; theyhave nothing to do with warts, being fixed in size, present onhealthy specimens and are not a result of infection or injury.toad wallpapers for your phone or tablet!- This feature can tap on the screen and make the imageimmediately.- It has support for landscape mode and portrait mode switchingscreen.- Beautiful background free and fun are waiting for you!Instructions to install:Home - Menu -> Wallpapers.Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles.- HD Graphics and Open GL- Battery usage optimization.- Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories.- Aeroplane pictures fully supports landscape and look amazing ontablet devices.Please contact us if you have any problems with ourapplication.* Android is a trademark of Google.
Cheetah Wallpaper 1.0
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The cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) is a largefeline (family Felidae, subfamily Felinae) inhabiting most ofAfrica and parts of Iran. It is the only extant member of the genusAcinonyx. The cheetah can run faster than any other land animal asfast as 112 to 120 km/h (70 to 75 mph) in short bursts coveringdistances up to 500 m (1,600 ft) and has the ability to acceleratefrom 0 to 100 km/h (62 mph) in three seconds.The cheetah is a unique felid with its closest living relativesbeing the puma and jaguarundi of the Americas. This cat is notablefor modifications in the species paws being one of the few felidswith only semi-retractable claws.Its main hunting strategy is to run down swift prey such asvarious antelope species and hares. Almost every facet of thecheetah's anatomy has evolved to maximise its success in the chase,the result of an evolutionary arms race with its prey. Due to thisspecialisation. however, the cheetah is poorly equipped to defenditself against other large predators, with speed being its mainmeans of defence.In the wild, the cheetah is a prolific breeder with up to ninecubs in a litter. The majority of cubs do not survive to adulthoodmainly as a result of depredation from other predators. The rate ofcub mortality varies from area to area from 50% to 75% and inextreme cases such as the Serengeti ecosystem up to 90%. Cheetahsare notoriously poor breeders in captivity though severalorganizations such as the De Wildt Cheetah and Wildlife Centre havesucceeded in breeding high numbers of cubs.cheetah wallpapers for your phone or tablet!- This feature can tap on the screen and make the imageimmediately.- It has support for landscape mode and portrait mode switchingscreen.- Beautiful background free and fun are waiting for you!Instructions to install:Home - Menu -> Wallpapers.Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles.- HD Graphics and Open GL- Battery usage optimization.- Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories.- cheetah pictures fully supports landscape and look amazing ontablet devices.Please contact us if you have any problems with ourapplication.* Android is a trademark of Google.
Zebra Wallpaper 1.0
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Zebras are several species of African equids (horse family) unitedby their distinctive black and white striped coats. Their stripescome in different patterns, unique to each individual. They aregenerally social animals that live in small harems to large herds.Unlike their closest relatives, horses and donkeys, zebras havenever been truly domesticated. There are three species of zebras:the plains zebra, the Grévy's zebra and the mountain zebra. Theplains zebra and the mountain zebra belong to the subgenusHippotigris, but Grévy's zebra is the sole species of subgenusDolichohippus. The latter resembles an ass, to which it is closelyrelated, while the former two are more horse-like. All three belongto the genus Equus, along with other living equids. The uniquestripes of zebras make them one of the animals most familiar topeople. They occur in a variety of habitats, such as grasslands,savannas, woodlands, thorny scrublands, mountains, and coastalhills. However, various anthropogenic factors have had a severeimpact on zebra populations, in particular hunting for skins andhabitat destruction. Grévy's zebra and the mountain zebra areendangered. zebra wallpapers for your phone or tablet! - Thisfeature can tap on the screen and make the image immediately. - Ithas support for landscape mode and portrait mode switching screen.- Beautiful background free and fun are waiting for you!Instructions to install: Home - Menu -> Wallpapers. Movementsand flashing light keeps changing with time. - You can choose fromseveral different styles. - HD Graphics and Open GL - Battery usageoptimization. - Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories. -zebra pictures fully supports landscape and look amazing on tabletdevices. Please contact us if you have any problems with ourapplication. * Android is a trademark of Google.
Sparrow Wallpaper 1.0
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Sparrows are a family of small passerinebirds, Passeridae. They are also known as true sparrows, or OldWorld sparrows, names also used for a particular genus of thefamily, Passer. They are distinct from both the American sparrowsin the family Emberizidae and from a few other birds sharing theirname such as the Java sparrow of the family Estrildidae. Manyspecies nest on buildings and the house and Eurasian tree sparrowsin particular inhabit cities in large numbers so sparrows may bethe most familiar of all wild birds. They are primarilyseed-eaters, though they also consume small insects. Some speciesscavenge for food around cities and like gulls or rock doves willhappily eat virtually anything in small quantities.Generally, sparrows are small, plump brown-grey birds with shorttails and stubby powerful beaks. The differences between sparrowspecies can be subtle. Members of this family range in size fromthe chestnut sparrow (Passer eminibey) at 11.4 centimetres (4.5 in)and 13.4 grams (0.47 oz) to the parrot-billed sparrow (Passergongonensis) at 18 centimetres (7.1 in) and 42 grams (1.5 oz).Sparrows are physically similar to other seed-eating birds such asfinches but have a vestigial dorsal outer primary feather and anextra bone in the tongue. This bone, the preglossale helps stiffenthe tongue when holding seeds. Other adaptations towards eatingseeds are specialised bills and elongated and specialisedalimentary canals.sparrow wallpapers for your phone or tablet!- This feature can tap on the screen and make the imageimmediately.- It has support for landscape mode and portrait mode switchingscreen.- Beautiful background free and fun are waiting for you!Instructions to install:Home - Menu -> Wallpapers.Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles.- HD Graphics and Open GL- Battery usage optimization.- Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories.- Aeroplane pictures fully supports landscape and look amazing ontablet devices.Please contact us if you have any problems with ourapplication.* Android is a trademark of Google.
Snail Wallpaper 1.0
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Snail is a common name that is applied mostoften to land snails terrestrial pulmonate gastropod molluscs.However, the common name snail is also applied to most of themembers of the molluscan class Gastropoda that have a coiled shellthat is large enough for the animal to retract completely into.When the word snail is used in this most general sense, it includesnot just land snails but also thousands of species of sea snailsand freshwater snails. Occasionally a few other molluscs that arenot actually gastropods such as the Monoplacophora, whichsuperficially resemble small limpets may also informally bereferred to as snails.Snail-like animals that naturally lack a shell or have only aninternal shell, are usually called slugs and land snails that haveonly a very small shell (that they cannot retract into) are oftencalled semislugs.Snails that respire using a lung belong to the group Pulmonatawhile those with gills form a polyphyletic group; in other words,snails with gills form a number of taxonomic groups that are notnecessarily more closely related to each other than they arerelated to some other groups. Both snails that have lungs andsnails that have gills have diversified so widely over geologicaltime that a few species with gills can be found on land andnumerous species with lungs can be found in freshwater. Even a fewmarine species have lungs.snail wallpapers for your phone or tablet!- This feature can tap on the screen and make the imageimmediately.- It has support for landscape mode and portrait mode switchingscreen.- Beautiful background free and fun are waiting for you!Instructions to install:Home - Menu -> Wallpapers.Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles.- HD Graphics and Open GL- Battery usage optimization.- Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories.- Aeroplane pictures fully supports landscape and look amazing ontablet devices.Please contact us if you have any problems with ourapplication.* Android is a trademark of Google.
Spider Wallpaper 1.0
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Spiders (order Araneae) are air-breathingarthropods that have eight legs and chelicerae with fangs thatinject venom. They are the largest order of arachnids and rankseventh in total species diversity among all other orders oforganisms. Spiders are found worldwide on every continent exceptfor Antarctica, and have become established in nearly every habitatwith the exceptions of air and sea colonization. As of 2008, atleast 43,678 spider species and 109 families have been recorded bytaxonomists; however, there has been dissension within thescientific community as to how all these families should beclassified as evidenced by the over 20 different classificationsthat have been proposed since 1900.Anatomically, spiders differ from other arthropods in that theusual body segments are fused into two tagmata the cephalothoraxand abdomen, and joined by a small, cylindrical pedicel. Unlikeinsects, spiders do not have antennae. In all except the mostprimitive group the Mesothelae spiders have the most centralizednervous systems of all arthropods as all their ganglia are fusedinto one mass in the cephalothorax. Unlike most arthropods spidershave no extensor muscles in their limbs and instead extend them byhydraulic pressure.Their abdomens bear appendages that have been modified intospinnerets that extrude silk from up to six types of silk glandswithin their abdomen. Spider webs vary widely in size shape and theamount of sticky thread used. It now appears that the spiral orbweb may be one of the earliest forms and spiders that producetangled cobwebs are more abundant and diverse than orb-web spiders.Spider-like arachnids with silk-producing spigots appeared in theDevonian period about 386 million years ago but these animalsapparently lacked spinnerets. True spiders have been found inCarboniferous rocks from 318 to 299 million years ago and are verysimilar to the most primitive surviving order, the Mesothelae. Themain groups of modern spiders, Mygalomorphae and Araneomorphaefirst appeared in the Triassic period before 200 million yearsago.spider wallpapers for your phone or tablet!- This feature can tap on the screen and make the imageimmediately.- It has support for landscape mode and portrait mode switchingscreen.- Beautiful background free and fun are waiting for you!Instructions to install:Home - Menu -> Wallpapers.Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles.- HD Graphics and Open GL- Battery usage optimization.- Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories.- Aeroplane pictures fully supports landscape and look amazing ontablet devices.Please contact us if you have any problems with ourapplication.* Android is a trademark of Google.
Beijing Wallpaper 1.0
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Beijing sometimes romanized as Peking is thecapital of the People's Republic of China and one of the mostpopulous cities in the world. The population as of 2013 was21,150,000. The city proper is the 3rd largest in the world. Themetropolis located in northern China is governed as adirect-controlled municipality under the national government with14 urban and suburban districts and two rural counties. BeijingMunicipality is surrounded by Hebei Province with the exception ofneighboring Tianjin Municipality to the southeast.Beijing is the second largest Chinese city by urban populationafter Shanghai and is the nation's political, cultural andeducational center. It is home to the headquarters of most ofChina's largest state-owned companies and is a major hub for thenational highway, expressway railway and high-speed rail networks.The Beijing Capital International Airport is the second busiest inthe world by passenger traffic.The city's history dates back three millennia. As the last ofthe Four Great Ancient Capitals of China Beijing has been thepolitical center of the country for much of the past eightcenturies. The city is renowned for its opulent palaces templesparks and gardens, tombs walls and gates and its art treasures anduniversities have made it a center of culture and art in China.Encyclop?dia Britannica notes that few cities in the world haveserved for so long as the political headquarters and culturalcentre of an area as immense as China.beijing wallpapers for your phone or tablet!- This feature can tap on the screen and make the imageimmediately.- It has support for landscape mode and portrait mode switchingscreen.- Beautiful background free and fun are waiting for you!Instructions to install:Home - Menu -> Wallpapers.Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles.- HD Graphics and Open GL- Battery usage optimization.- Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories.- beijing pictures fully supports landscape and look amazing ontablet devices.Please contact us if you have any problems with ourapplication.* Android is a trademark of Google.
City Wallpaper 1.0
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A city is a relatively large and permanent human settlement.Although there is no agreement on how a city is distinguished froma town within general English language meanings, many cities have aparticular administrative, legal, or historical status based onlocal law. Cities generally have complex systems for sanitation,utilities, land usage, housing, and transportation. Theconcentration of development greatly facilitates interactionbetween people and businesses, benefiting both parties in theprocess, but it also presents challenges to managing urban growth.A big city or metropolis usually has associated suburbs and exurbs.Such cities are usually associated with metropolitan areas andurban areas, creating numerous business commuters traveling tourban centers for employment. Once a city expands far enough toreach another city, this region can be deemed a conurbation ormegalopolis. In terms of population, the largest city proper isShanghai, while the fastest growing is Dubai. city wallpapers foryour phone or tablet! - This feature can tap on the screen and makethe image immediately. - It has support for landscape mode andportrait mode switching screen. - Beautiful background free and funare waiting for you! Instructions to install: Home - Menu ->Wallpapers. Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles. - HD Graphics andOpen GL - Battery usage optimization. - Compatible with 99% ofmobile phone accessories. - city pictures fully supports landscapeand look amazing on tablet devices. Please contact us if you haveany problems with our application. * Android is a trademark ofGoogle.
Coral Wallpaper 1.0
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Corals are marine invertebrates in the classAnthozoa of phylum Cnidaria. They typically live in compactcolonies of many identical individual polyps. The group includesthe important reef builders that inhabit tropical oceans andsecrete calcium carbonate to form a hard skeleton.A coral head is a colony of myriad genetically identical polyps.Each polyp is a spineless animal typically only a few millimetersin diameter and a few centimeters in length. A set of tentaclessurround a central mouth opening. An exoskeleton is excreted nearthe base. Over many generations, the colony thus creates a largeskeleton that is characteristic of the species. Individual headsgrow by asexual reproduction of polyps. Corals also breed sexuallyby spawning: polyps of the same species release gametessimultaneously over a period of one to several nights around a fullmoon.Although some corals can catch small fish and plankton usingstinging cells on their tentacles like those in sea anemone andjellyfish most corals obtain the majority of their energy andnutrients from photosynthetic unicellular algae that live withinthe coral's tissue called zooxanthella (also known asSymbiodinium). Such corals require sunlight and grow in clearshallow water typically at depths shallower than 60 metres (200ft). Corals can be major contributors to the physical structure ofthe coral reefs that develop in tropical and subtropical waterssuch as the enormous Great Barrier Reef off the coast ofQueensland, Australia. Other corals do not have associated algaeand can live in much deeper water with the cold-water genusLophelia surviving as deep as 3,000 metres (9,800 ft). Exampleslive on the Darwin Mounds, north-west of Cape Wrath Scotland.Corals have also been found off the coast of the U.S. in WashingtonState and the Aleutian Islands in Alaska.coral wallpapers for your phone or tablet!- This feature can tap on the screen and make the imageimmediately.- It has support for landscape mode and portrait mode switchingscreen.- Beautiful background free and fun are waiting for you!Instructions to install:Home - Menu -> Wallpapers.Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles.- HD Graphics and Open GL- Battery usage optimization.- Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories.- coral pictures fully supports landscape and look amazing ontablet devices.Please contact us if you have any problems with ourapplication.* Android is a trademark of Google.
Coast Wallpaper 1.0
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A coastline or a seashore is the area whereland meets the sea or ocean. A precise line that can be called acoastline cannot be determined due to the Coastline paradox.The term coastal zone is a region where interaction of the seaand land processes occurs. Both the terms coast and coastal areoften used to describe a geographic location or region; forexample, New Zealand's West Coast or the East and West Coasts ofthe United States.A pelagic coast refers to a coast which fronts the open ocean asopposed to a more sheltered coast in a gulf or bay. A shore on theother hand can refer to parts of the land which adjoin any largebody of water, including oceans (sea shore) and lakes (lake shore).Similarly, the somewhat related term bank refers to the landalongside or sloping down to a river (riverbank) or to a body ofwater smaller than a lake. Bank is also used in some parts of theworld to refer to an artificial ridge of earth intended to retainthe water of a river or pond; in other places this may be called alevee.While many scientific experts might agree on a common definitionof the term coast the delineation of the extents of a coast differaccording to jurisdiction with many scientific and governmentauthorities in various countries differing for economic and socialpolicy reasons. According to the UN atlas 44% of people live within150 kilometres (93 miles) of the sea.coast wallpapers for your phone or tablet!- This feature can tap on the screen and make the imageimmediately.- It has support for landscape mode and portrait mode switchingscreen.- Beautiful background free and fun are waiting for you!Instructions to install:Home - Menu -> Wallpapers.Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles.- HD Graphics and Open GL- Battery usage optimization.- Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories.- coast pictures fully supports landscape and look amazing ontablet devices.Please contact us if you have any problems with ourapplication.* Android is a trademark of Google.
Otter Wallpaper 1.0
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Otter is a common name for a carnivorousmammal in subfamily Lutrinae. The 13 extant otter species are allsemiaquatic aquatic or marine with diets based on fish andinvertebrates. Lutrinae is a branch of the weasel family Mustelidaewhich also includes weasels, martens minks polecats Eurasian andAmerican badgers honey badgers and wolverines.The gestation period in otters is about 60 to 86 days. Thenewborn pup is cared for by the mother father and older offspring.Female otters reach sexual maturity at approximately two years ofage and males at approximately three years. After one month, thepup can leave the holt and after two months it is able to swim. Thepup lives with its family for approximately one year. Otters liveup to 16 years.otter wallpapers for your phone or tablet!- This feature can tap on the screen and make the imageimmediately.- It has support for landscape mode and portrait mode switchingscreen.- Beautiful background free and fun are waiting for you!Instructions to install:Home - Menu -> Wallpapers.Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles.- HD Graphics and Open GL- Battery usage optimization.- Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories.- otter pictures fully supports landscape and look amazing ontablet devices.Please contact us if you have any problems with ourapplication.* Android is a trademark of Google.
Shanghai Wallpaper 1.0
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Shanghai is the largest Chinese city by population and the largestcity proper by population in the world. It is one of the fourdirect-controlled municipalities of the People's Republic of China,with a population of more than 24 million as of 2013. It is aglobal financial center and a transport hub with the world'sbusiest container port. Located in the Yangtze River Delta in EastChina Shanghai sits on the south edge of the mouth of the Yangtzein the middle portion of the Chinese coast. The municipalityborders the provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang to the north southand west and is bounded to the east by the East China Sea. Forcenturies a major administrative shipping and trading town Shanghaigrew in importance in the 19th century due to European recognitionof its favorable port location and economic potential. The city wasone of five opened to foreign trade following the British victoryover China in the First Opium War while the subsequent 1842 Treatyof Nanking and 1844 Treaty of Whampoa allowed the establishment ofthe Shanghai International Settlement and the French Concession.The city then flourished as a center of commerce between east andwest, and became the undisputed financial hub of the Asia Pacificin the 1930s. However, with the Communist Party takeover of themainland in 1949 trade was reoriented to focus on socialistcountries, and the city's global influence declined. In the 1990s,the economic reforms introduced by Deng Xiaoping resulted in anintense re-development of the city aiding the return of finance andforeign investment to the city. shanghai wallpapers for your phoneor tablet! - This feature can tap on the screen and make the imageimmediately. - It has support for landscape mode and portrait modeswitching screen. - Beautiful background free and fun are waitingfor you! Instructions to install: Home - Menu -> Wallpapers.Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time. - You canchoose from several different styles. - HD Graphics and Open GL -Battery usage optimization. - Compatible with 99% of mobile phoneaccessories. - shanghai pictures fully supports landscape and lookamazing on tablet devices. Please contact us if you have anyproblems with our application. * Android is a trademark of Google.
Fog Wallpaper 1.0
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Fog is a collection of liquid water dropletsor ice crystals suspended in the air at or near the Earth'ssurface. Fog can be considered a type of low-lying cloud and isheavily influenced by nearby bodies of water, topography windconditions and even human activities. In turn, fog has affectedmany human activities such as shipping and transport warfare andculture.Fog begins to form when water vapor condenses into tiny liquidwater droplets suspended in the air. The main ways water vapor isadded to the air: wind convergence into areas of upward motion;precipitation or virga falling from above; daytime heatingevaporating water from the surface of oceans, water bodies, or wetland; transpiration from plants; cool or dry air moving over warmerwater and lifting air over mountains. Water vapor normally beginsto condense on condensation nuclei such as dust ice and salt inorder to form clouds. Fog like its elevated cousin stratus is astable cloud deck which tends to form when a cool stable air massis trapped underneath a warm air mass.fog wallpapers for your phone or tablet!- This feature can tap on the screen and make the imageimmediately.- It has support for landscape mode and portrait mode switchingscreen.- Beautiful background free and fun are waiting for you!Instructions to install:Home - Menu -> Wallpapers.Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles.- HD Graphics and Open GL- Battery usage optimization.- Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories.- fog pictures fully supports landscape and look amazing on tabletdevices.Please contact us if you have any problems with ourapplication.* Android is a trademark of Google.
Fish Wallpaper 1.0
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A fish is any member of a paraphyletic group of organisms thatconsist of all gill-bearing aquatic craniate animals that lacklimbs with digits. Included in this definition are the livinghagfish, lampreys, and cartilaginous and bony fish as well asvarious extinct related groups. Most fish are ectothermiccold-blooded allowing their body temperatures to vary as ambienttemperatures change though some of the large active swimmers likewhite shark and tuna can hold a higher core temperature. Fish areabundant in most bodies of water. They can be found in nearly allaquatic environments, from high mountain streams to the abyssal andeven hadal depths of the deepest oceans. At 32,000 species, fishexhibit greater species diversity than any other group ofvertebrates. Fish are an important resource for humans worldwideespecially as food. Commercial and subsistence fishers hunt fish inwild fisheries or farm them in ponds or in cages in the ocean. Theyare also caught by recreational fishers kept as pets raised byfishkeepers and exhibited in public aquaria. Fish have had a rolein culture through the ages, serving as deities religious symbolsand as the subjects of art books and movies. fish wallpapers foryour phone or tablet! - This feature can tap on the screen and makethe image immediately. - It has support for landscape mode andportrait mode switching screen. - Beautiful background free and funare waiting for you! Instructions to install: Home - Menu ->Wallpapers. Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles. - HD Graphics andOpen GL - Battery usage optimization. - Compatible with 99% ofmobile phone accessories. - fish pictures fully supports landscapeand look amazing on tablet devices. Please contact us if you haveany problems with our application. * Android is a trademark ofGoogle.
Camel Wallpaper 1.0
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A camel is an even-toed ungulate within the genus Camelus bearingdistinctive fatty deposits known as humps on its back. The twosurviving species of camel are the dromedary or one-humped camelwhich inhabits the Middle East and the Horn of Africa; and thebactrian or two-humped camel which inhabits Central Asia. Bothspecies have been domesticated they provide milk meat hair fortextiles or goods such as felted pouches and are working animalswith tasks ranging from human transport to bearing loads. camelwallpapers for your phone or tablet! - This feature can tap on thescreen and make the image immediately. - It has support forlandscape mode and portrait mode switching screen. - Beautifulbackground free and fun are waiting for you! Instructions toinstall: Home - Menu -> Wallpapers. Movements and flashing lightkeeps changing with time. - You can choose from several differentstyles. - HD Graphics and Open GL - Battery usage optimization. -Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories. - Aeroplanepictures fully supports landscape and look amazing on tabletdevices. Please contact us if you have any problems with ourapplication. * Android is a trademark of Google.
Australia Wallpaper 1.0
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Australia officially the Commonwealth of Australia is an Oceaniancountry comprising the mainland of the Australian continent theisland of Tasmania, and numerous smaller islands. It is the world'ssixth-largest country by total area. Neighbouring countries includeIndonesia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea to the north; theSolomon Islands and Vanuatu to the north-east; and New Zealand tothe south-east. For at least 40,000 years before the first Britishsettlement in the late 18th century Australia was inhabited byindigenous Australians who spoke languages grouped into roughly 250language groups. After the European discovery of the continent byDutch explorers in 1606, Australia's eastern half was claimed byGreat Britain in 1770 and initially settled through penaltransportation to the colony of New South Wales from 26 January1788. The population grew steadily in subsequent decades; thecontinent was explored and an additional five self-governing crowncolonies were established. On 1 January 1901, the six coloniesfederated, forming the Commonwealth of Australia. Since Federation,Australia has maintained a stable liberal democratic politicalsystem that functions as a federal parliamentary democracy andconstitutional monarchy comprising six states and severalterritories. The population of 23.6 million is highly urbanised andheavily concentrated in the eastern states and on the coast.australia wallpapers for your phone or tablet! - This feature cantap on the screen and make the image immediately. - It has supportfor landscape mode and portrait mode switching screen. - Beautifulbackground free and fun are waiting for you! Instructions toinstall: Home - Menu -> Wallpapers. Movements and flashing lightkeeps changing with time. - You can choose from several differentstyles. - HD Graphics and Open GL - Battery usage optimization. -Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories. - australiapictures fully supports landscape and look amazing on tabletdevices. Please contact us if you have any problems with ourapplication. * Android is a trademark of Google.
Desert Wallpaper 1.0
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A desert is a barren area of land where littleprecipitation occurs and consequently living conditions are hostilefor plant and animal life. The lack of vegetation exposes theunprotected surface of the ground to the processes of denudation.About one third of the land surface of the world is arid orsemi-arid. This includes much of the polar regions where littleprecipitation occurs and which are sometimes called cold deserts.Deserts can be classified by the amount of precipitation thatfalls, by the temperature that prevails, by the causes ofdesertification or by their geographical location.Deserts are formed by weathering processes as large variationsin temperature between day and night put strains on the rocks whichconsequently break in pieces. Although rain seldom occurs indeserts, there are occasional downpours that can result in flashfloods. Rain falling on hot rocks can cause them to shatter and theresulting fragments and rubble strewn over the desert floor isfurther eroded by the wind. This picks up particles of sand anddust and wafts them aloft in sand or dust storms. Wind-blown sandgrains striking any solid object in their path can abrade thesurface. Rocks are smoothed down, and the wind sorts sand intouniform deposits. The grains end up as level sheets of sand or arepiled high in billowing sand dunes. Other deserts are flat, stonyplains where all the fine material has been blown away and thesurface consists of a mosaic of smooth stones. These areas areknown as desert pavements and little further erosion takes place.Other desert features include rock outcrops, exposed bedrock andclays once deposited by flowing water. Temporary lakes may form andsalt pans may be left when waters evaporate. There may beunderground sources of water in the form of springs and seepagesfrom aquifers. Where these are found, oases can occur.Plants and animals living in the desert need special adaptationsto survive in the harsh environment. Plants tend to be tough andwiry with small or no leaves, water-resistant cuticles and oftenspines to deter herbivory. Some annual plants germinate, bloom anddie in the course of a few weeks after rainfall while otherlong-lived plants survive for years and have deep root systems ableto tap underground moisture. Animals need to keep cool and findenough food and water to survive. Many are nocturnal and stay inthe shade or underground during the heat of the day. They tend tobe efficient at conserving water, extracting most of their needsfrom their food and concentrating their urine. Some animals remainin a state of dormancy for long periods, ready to become activeagain when the rare rains fall. They then reproduce rapidly whileconditions are favorable before returning to dormancy.desert wallpapers for your phone or tablet!- This feature can tap on the screen and make the imageimmediately.- It has support for landscape mode and portrait mode switchingscreen.- Beautiful background free and fun are waiting for you!Instructions to install:Home - Menu -> Wallpapers.Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles.- HD Graphics and Open GL- Battery usage optimization.- Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories.- desert pictures fully supports landscape and look amazing ontablet devices.Please contact us if you have any problems with ourapplication.* Android is a trademark of Google.
Hotel Wallpaper 1.0
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A hotel is an establishment that provideslodging paid on a short-term basis. Facilities provided may rangefrom a basic bed and storage for clothing to luxury features likeen-suite bathrooms. Larger hotels may provide additional guestfacilities such as a swimming pool business center childcareconference facilities and social function services. Hotel rooms areusually numbered (or named in some smaller hotels and B&Bs) toallow guests to identify their room. Some hotels offer meals aspart of a room and board arrangement. In the United Kingdom, ahotel is required by law to serve food and drinks to all guestswithin certain stated hours. In Japan, capsule hotels provide aminimized amount of room space and shared facilities.The precursor to the modern hotel was the inn of medievalEurope. For a period of about 200 years from the mid-17th centurycoaching inns served as a place for lodging for coach travelers.Inns began to cater for richer clients in the mid-18th century. Oneof the first hotels in a modern sense was opened in Exeter in 1768.Hotels proliferated throughout Western Europe and North America inthe 19th century and luxury hotels began to spring up in the laterpart of the century.hotel wallpapers for your phone or tablet!- This feature can tap on the screen and make the imageimmediately.- It has support for landscape mode and portrait mode switchingscreen.- Beautiful background free and fun are waiting for you!Instructions to install:Home - Menu -> Wallpapers.Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles.- HD Graphics and Open GL- Battery usage optimization.- Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories.- hotel pictures fully supports landscape and look amazing ontablet devices.Please contact us if you have any problems with ourapplication.* Android is a trademark of Google.
Pomegranate Wallpaper 1.0
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The pomegranate is a fruit-bearing deciduous shrub or small treegrowing between 5 and 8 m (16–26 ft) tall. In the NorthernHemisphere the fruit is typically in season from September toFebruary and in the Southern Hemisphere from March to May. Asintact arils or juice, pomegranates are used in cooking, bakingmeal garnishes juice blends smoothies and alcoholic beverages, suchas cocktails and wine. The pomegranate is considered to haveoriginated in the region from Iran to northern India, and has beencultivated since ancient times throughout the Mediterranean region.It was introduced into Latin America and California by Spanishsettlers in 1769. Today, it is widely cultivated throughout theMiddle East and Caucasus region, northern Africa and tropicalAfrica, the Indian subcontinent Central Asia and the drier parts ofsoutheast Asia. It is also cultivated in parts of California andArizona. In recent years, it has become more common in thecommercial markets of Europe and the Western Hemisphere.pomegranate wallpapers for your phone or tablet! - This feature cantap on the screen and make the image immediately. - It has supportfor landscape mode and portrait mode switching screen. - Beautifulbackground free and fun are waiting for you! Instructions toinstall: Home - Menu -> Wallpapers. Movements and flashing lightkeeps changing with time. - You can choose from several differentstyles. - HD Graphics and Open GL - Battery usage optimization. -Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories. - pomegranatepictures fully supports landscape and look amazing on tabletdevices. Please contact us if you have any problems with ourapplication. * Android is a trademark of Google.
Summer Wallpaper 1.0
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Summer is the warmest of the four temperateseasons, falling between spring and autumn. At the summer solstice,the days are longest and the nights are shortest, with day-lengthdecreasing as the season progresses after the solstice. The date ofthe beginning of summer varies according to climate, tradition andculture but when it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere it iswinter in the Southern Hemisphere and vice versa.Days continue to lengthen from equinox to solstice and summerdays progressively shorten after the solstice so meteorologicalsummer encompasses the build-up to the longest day and adiminishing thereafter with summer having many more hours ofdaylight than spring. Reckoning by hours of daylight alone summersolstice marks the midpoint not the beginning of the seasons.Midsummer takes place over the shortest night of the year which isthe summer solstice or on a nearby date that varies withtradition.summer wallpapers for your phone or tablet!- This feature can tap on the screen and make the imageimmediately.- It has support for landscape mode and portrait mode switchingscreen.- Beautiful background free and fun are waiting for you!Instructions to install:Home - Menu -> Wallpapers.Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles.- HD Graphics and Open GL- Battery usage optimization.- Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories.- summer pictures fully supports landscape and look amazing ontablet devices.Please contact us if you have any problems with ourapplication.* Android is a trademark of Google.
Paris Wallpaper 1.0
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Paris is the capital and most populous city of France. Situated onthe Seine River in the north of the country it is in the centre ofthe France region also known as the r?gion parisienne. The City ofParis has a population of 2,273,305 inhabitants (January 2013)making it the fifth largest city in the European Union measured bythe population within the city limits. Paris and its suburbs have apopulation of 12,292,895 inhabitants making it the second or thirdlargest metropolitan area in Europe with London and Berlindepending on the area measured. Paris was founded in the 3rdcentury BC by a Celtic people called the Parisii, who gave the cityits name. By the 12th century, Paris was the largest city in thewestern world, a prosperous trading centre, and the home of theUniversity of Paris, one of the first in Europe. In the 18thcentury, it was the centre stage for the French Revolution andbecame an important centre of finance commerce fashion science andthe arts a position it still retains today. The Paris Region has aGDP of 612 billion (US 760 billion) in 2012, ranking it as one ofthe wealthiest five regions in Europe; it is the banking andfinancial centre of France and contains the headquarters of 30companies in the Fortune Global 500. In 2013 the City of Parisreceived 29.3 million visitors making it one of the world's toptourist destinations. paris wallpapers for your phone or tablet! -This feature can tap on the screen and make the image immediately.- It has support for landscape mode and portrait mode switchingscreen. - Beautiful background free and fun are waiting for you!Instructions to install: Home - Menu -> Wallpapers. Movementsand flashing light keeps changing with time. - You can choose fromseveral different styles. - HD Graphics and Open GL - Battery usageoptimization. - Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories. -paris pictures fully supports landscape and look amazing on tabletdevices. Please contact us if you have any problems with ourapplication. * Android is a trademark of Google.
Butterfly Wallpaper 1.0
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Butterflies are part of the class of Insectsinthe order Lepidoptera. Adult butterflies have large, oftenbrightlycoloured wings, and conspicuous, fluttering flight. Thegroupcomprises the true butterflies, the skippers andthemoth-butterflies. Butterfly fossils date to the mid Eoceneepoch,40–50 million years ago.Butterflies exhibit polymorphism, mimicry and aposematism.Some,like the Monarch, will migrate over long distances.Somebutterflies have parasitic relationships with organismsincludingprotozoans, flies, ants, other invertebrates, andvertebrates. Somespecies are pests because in their larval stagesthey can damagedomestic crops or trees; however, some species areagents ofpollination of some plants, and caterpillars of a fewbutterflieseat harmful insects. Culturally, butterflies are apopular motif inthe visual and literary arts.butterfly wallpapers for your phone or tablet!- This feature can tap on the screen and make theimageimmediately.- It has support for landscape mode and portrait modeswitchingscreen.- Beautiful background free and fun are waiting for you!Instructions to install:Home - Menu -> Wallpapers.Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles.- HD Graphics and Open GL- Battery usage optimization.- Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories.- butterfly pictures fully supports landscape and look amazingontablet devices.Please contact us if you have any problems withourapplication.* Android is a trademark of Google.
Sand Wallpaper 1.0
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Sand is a naturally occurring granularmaterialcomposed of finely divided rock and mineral particles. Itis definedby size being finer than gravel and coarser than silt.Sand can alsorefer to a textural class of soil or soil type; i.e.a soilcontaining more than 85% sand-sized particles (by mass).The composition of sand varies depending on the localrocksources and conditions but the most common constituent of sandininland continental settings and non-tropical coastal settingsissilica (silicon dioxide or SiO2) usually in the form of quartz.Thesecond most common type of sand is calcium carbonate forexamplearagonite, which has mostly been created, over the pasthalfbillion years by various forms of life like coral andshellfish. Itis, for example the primary form of sand apparent inareas wherereefs have dominated the ecosystem for millions of yearslike theCaribbean.sand wallpapers for your phone or tablet!- This feature can tap on the screen and make theimageimmediately.- It has support for landscape mode and portrait modeswitchingscreen.- Beautiful background free and fun are waiting for you!Instructions to install:Home - Menu -> Wallpapers.Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles.- HD Graphics and Open GL- Battery usage optimization.- Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories.- sand pictures fully supports landscape and look amazing ontabletdevices.Please contact us if you have any problems withourapplication.* Android is a trademark of Google.
Kangaroo Wallpaper 1.0
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Kangaroos have large, powerful hind legs,largefeet adapted for leaping, a long muscular tail for balanceand asmall head. Like most marsupials female kangaroos have apouchcalled a marsupium in which joeys complete postnataldevelopment.The large kangaroos have adapted much better than thesmallermacropods to land clearing for pastoral agriculture andhabitatchanges brought to the Australian landscape by humans. Manyof thesmaller species are rare and endangered while kangaroosarerelatively plentiful.The kangaroo is an unofficial symbol of Australia and appearsasan emblem on the Australian coat of arms and on some ofitscurrency and is used by some of Australia's wellknownorganisations including Qantas and the Royal Australian AirForce.The kangaroo is important to both Australian culture andthenational image and consequently there are numerous popularculturereferences.Wild kangaroos are shot for meat leather hides and toprotectgrazing land. Although controversial, harvesting kangaroomeat hassome environmental advantages to limit over-grazing and themeathas perceived health benefits for human consumption comparedwithtraditional meats due to the low level of fat on kangaroos.kangaroo wallpapers for your phone or tablet!- This feature can tap on the screen and make theimageimmediately.- It has support for landscape mode and portrait modeswitchingscreen.- Beautiful background free and fun are waiting for you!Instructions to install:Home - Menu -> Wallpapers.Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles.- HD Graphics and Open GL- Battery usage optimization.- Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories.- Aeroplane pictures fully supports landscape and look amazingontablet devices.Please contact us if you have any problems withourapplication.* Android is a trademark of Google.
Door Wallpaper 1.0
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A door is a moving structure used to block off and allow access toan entrance to or within an enclosed space such as a building orvehicle. Similar exterior structures are called gates. Typicallydoors have an interior side that faces the inside of a space and anexterior side that faces the outside of that space. While in somecases the interior side of a door may match its exterior side inother cases there are sharp contrasts between the two sides, suchas in the case of the vehicle door. Doors normally consist of apanel that swings on hinges or that slides or spins inside of aspace. When open doors admit people animals ventilation and light.The door is used to control the physical atmosphere within a spaceby enclosing the air drafts so that interiors may be moreeffectively heated or cooled. Doors are significant in preventingthe spread of fire. They also act as a barrier to noise. Many doorsare equipped with locking mechanisms to allow entrance to certainpeople and keep out others. As a form of courtesy and civilitypeople often knock before opening a door and entering a room. Doorsare used to screen areas of a building for aesthetics keepingformal and utility areas separate. Doors also have an aestheticrole in creating an impression of what lies beyond. Doors are oftensymbolically endowed with ritual purposes and the guarding orreceiving of the keys to a door or being granted access to a doorcan have special significance. Similarly, doors and doorwaysfrequently appear in metaphorical or allegorical situationsliterature and the arts often as a portent of change. doorwallpapers for your phone or tablet! - This feature can tap on thescreen and make the image immediately. - It has support forlandscape mode and portrait mode switching screen. - Beautifulbackground free and fun are waiting for you! Instructions toinstall: Home - Menu -> Wallpapers. Movements and flashing lightkeeps changing with time. - You can choose from several differentstyles. - HD Graphics and Open GL - Battery usage optimization. -Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories. - door picturesfully supports landscape and look amazing on tablet devices. Pleasecontact us if you have any problems with our application. * Androidis a trademark of Google.
Brisbane Wallpaper 1.0
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Brisbane is the capital and most populouscityin the Australian state of Queensland and the third mostpopulouscity in Australia. Brisbane's metropolitan area has apopulation of2.24 million and the South East Queensland urbanconurbationcentred on Brisbane encompasses a population of morethan 3million. The Brisbane central business district stands ontheoriginal European settlement and is situated inside a bend oftheBrisbane River approximately 15 kilometres (9 miles) from itsmouthat Moreton Bay. The metropolitan area extends in alldirectionsalong the floodplain of the Brisbane River valley betweenMoretonBay and the Great Dividing Range. The metropolitan areasprawlsacross several of Australia's most populous local governmentareasincluding the City of Brisbane which is by far the mostpopulousLGA in the nation. The demonym of Brisbane is Brisbanite.Brisbane is named after the Brisbane River on which it islocatedwhich in turn was named after Scotsman Sir Thomas BrisbanetheGovernor of New South Wales from 1821 to 1825. The firstEuropeansettlement in Queensland was a penal colony at Redcliffe28kilometres (17 mi) north of the central business district whichwasfounded in 1824. That settlement was soon abandoned and movedtoNorth Quay in 1825. Free settlers were permitted from 1842.Brisbanewas chosen as the capital when Queensland was proclaimed aseparatecolony from New South Wales in 1859.The city played a central role in the Allied campaignduringWorld War II as the South West Pacific headquarters forGeneralDouglas MacArthur. Brisbane has hosted many largeculturalinternational and sporting events including the 1982CommonwealthGames, World Expo '88 the final Goodwill Games in 2001and the 2014G-20 summit. Brisbane is classified as a Globalcity.brisbane wallpapers for your phone or tablet!- This feature can tap on the screen and make theimageimmediately.- It has support for landscape mode and portrait modeswitchingscreen.- Beautiful background free and fun are waiting for you!Instructions to install:Home - Menu -> Wallpapers.Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles.- HD Graphics and Open GL- Battery usage optimization.- Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories.- brisbane pictures fully supports landscape and look amazingontablet devices.Please contact us if you have any problems withourapplication.* Android is a trademark of Google.
Tomato Wallpaper 1.0
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Free tomato pictures and You can save to wallpaper.
Sky Wallpaper 1.0
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The sky (or celestial dome) is everythingthatlies above the surface of the Earth, including the atmosphereandouter space. In the field of astronomy the sky is also calledthecelestial sphere. This is viewed from Earth's surface asanimaginary dome where the sun stars planets and the moon are seentobe traveling. The celestial sphere is conventionally dividedintoregions called constellations. Usually, the term sky isusedinformally as the point of view from the Earth's surface;howeverthe meaning and usage can vary. In some cases such as indiscussingthe weather the sky refers to only the lower, more denseportionsof the atmosphere.During daylight, the sky appears to be blue because airscattersblue sunlight more than it scatters red. At night, the skyappearsto be a mostly dark surface or region scattered with stars.Duringthe day, the Sun can be seen in the sky unless obscured byclouds.In the night sky (and to some extent during the day) themoonplanets and stars are visible in the sky. Some of thenaturalphenomena seen in the sky are clouds rainbows andaurorae.Lightning and precipitation can also be seen in the skyduringstorms. Birds, insects aircraft and kites are oftenconsidered tofly in the sky. Due to human activities smog duringthe day andlight pollution during the night are often seen abovelargecities.sky wallpapers for your phone or tablet!- This feature can tap on the screen and make theimageimmediately.- It has support for landscape mode and portrait modeswitchingscreen.- Beautiful background free and fun are waiting for you!Instructions to install:Home - Menu -> Wallpapers.Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles.- HD Graphics and Open GL- Battery usage optimization.- Compatible with 99% of mobile phone accessories.- sky pictures fully supports landscape and look amazing ontabletdevices.Please contact us if you have any problems withourapplication.* Android is a trademark of Google.
Starfish Wallpaper 1.0
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Starfish or sea stars are star-shaped echinoderms belonging to theclass Asteroidea. Common usage frequently finds these names beingalso applied to ophiuroids, which are correctly referred to asbrittle stars or basket stars. About 1,500 species of starfishoccur on the seabed in all the world's oceans from the tropics tofrigid polar waters. They are found from the intertidal zone downto abyssal depths 6,000 mbelow the surface. Starfish are marineinvertebrates. They typically have a central disc and five armsthough some species have more than this. The aboral or uppersurface may be smooth granular or spiny and is covered withoverlapping plates. Many species are brightly coloured in variousshades of red or orange while others are blue, grey or brown.Starfish have tube feet operated by a hydraulic system and a mouthat the centre of the oral or lower surface. They are opportunisticfeeders and are mostly predators on benthic invertebrates. Severalspecies have specialized feeding behaviours including eversion oftheir stomachs and suspension feeding. They have complex lifecycles and can reproduce both sexually and asexually. Most canregenerate damaged parts or lost arms and they can shed arms as ameans of defence. The Asteroidea occupy several significantecological roles. Starfish, such as the ochre sea star and the reefsea star have become widely known as examples of the keystonespecies concept in ecology. The tropical crown-of-thorns starfishis a voracious predator of coral throughout the Indo-Pacific regionand the northern Pacific sea star is considered to be one of theworld's 100 worst invasive species. starfish wallpapers for yourphone or tablet! - This feature can tap on the screen and make theimage immediately. - It has support for landscape mode and portraitmode switching screen. - Beautiful background free and fun arewaiting for you! Instructions to install: Home - Menu ->Wallpapers. Movements and flashing light keeps changing with time.- You can choose from several different styles. - HD Graphics andOpen GL - Battery usage optimization. - Compatible with 99% ofmobile phone accessories. - Aeroplane pictures fully supportslandscape and look amazing on tablet devices. Please contact us ifyou have any problems with our application. * Android is atrademark of Google.